Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January No Spend Month- Check In Week 1

I have had so many competing interests over the last few months. I constantly try and remind myself to just be still, hang out with my kids, and relax. And yet I still find myself all over the board.
One of the goals of my "No Spend Month" was to keep myself from feeling like I need to make money so I can spend it. Don't get me wrong, my husband is an excellent provider, but my shopping addiction could probably make anyone broke. So I have used my side hustles to make my fun money. It works, but it takes away from my kids. So, here I am, attempting to cut back in an effort to give myself the peace of mind to spend my days relaxing and raising my babes.

So far I have been to Big Lots and only bought pantry staples, and ordered Marlin's first photo book. I was feeling really behind on his memories so I figured it was a good purchase because while it isn't "necessary" in the typical sense of the word, it is necessary for the type of mother I want to be, the kind that celebrates her babies and their milestones, the kind that creates memory books that they can look back on and see how loved they were. Checking off these sorts of "to-dos" is part of my January Jumpstart so I'm good with it.

I have unsubscribed from emails, resisted great deals from some of my favorite brands, and denied those little purchases I typically wouldn't think twice about.

We ate out only once in the first  days (as I prescribed in my goals) and I have ingredients ready for more home cooked meals this week.

Savings Goals to Keep in Mind: pay Marlin's and my hospital bills, save for my 30th Birthday Trip!

xoxo, Love.Haight

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