Confidence in Pregnancy
I mistakenly believed that I would love pregnancy, and it would be the one time in my life that I would not care what I looked like. At first you are so excited to physically show the new life inside you... then I did and almost immediately after hit a point where I loved trying to hide it. I started to feel uncomfortable in my body.... far from the pregnant goddess I hoped to feel like! Then the comments about my fat face started, and a little bit of my beauty felt like it was taken away.
Now all of this is perfectly normal. (Even the thoughtless comments that every mama-to-be faces) But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy to face. Of course it’s worth it, every article you read will tell you that. And focusing on the baby is a great way to combat your own self esteem issues. But I have a couple other things to suggest as well. :)
1. Get on a pregnancy app and check out the bump photos that other ladies are posting. You will find bodies that look exactly like yours. And some that look nothing like yours. In fact the sheer range of shapes and sizes is one of the most comforting things you will see at this point in your life! Normal actually doesn’t exist- especially in pregnancy.
2. Take photos of that bump. It’s progression might surprise you! I don’t take weekly shots, but recently I saw two next to each other on instagram that were a month apart. I assumed I was getting huge, but the photos didn’t support that mind trick. Take a peak:
3. Buy maternity clothes that you love. These clothes were made to fit bodies just like yours. When you see yourself in them, you’ll most likely feel a lot better about how everything is looking.
4. Give yourself grace. Your spouse and friends will tell you that you look adorable- and you do. Start believing them!
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