Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Bullet Journal Starter Pack for Beginners (Like Me)!

 Beginning a bullet journal and unsure where to start? This starter pack has served me well as a beginner, and I think it could work awesome for you too!!

 This book is for practicing writing and brush lettering. It isn't bad, especially for the price. I like having a book to practice and use my pens without worrying about messing up a beautiful notebook.

 These are both dot grid notebooks. The one on the left is the more expensive option, but it is half the price of the popular leuchtturm1917 notebook! I chose the pink color, but there are definitely more. It bleeds occasionally with my pens, but I'm still happy with it! The large one is just gorgeous, and I need to decide what to do with it since I'm going to do the pink one as my actual bullet journal.

Oh the markers. I am loving learning how to brush letter, and I totally recommend the Tombow markers. I already bought the pastel pack too and they're coming from Amazon!

The black micron pens work great for many aspects of my bullet journal. They are must haves for the practical bits in your planner.

Finally, the Crayolas are just great to have! You can learn to brush letter/hand letter with them, but they are inexpensive! :) This link is for 50 different shades!!!

If you are also uncreative/unartistic,  I recommend stickers and stencils to add some flair to your pages! 
One final tip- some other amazing bloggers offer practice sheets, banners, fonts, etc to use - I honestly can't remember where I got mine, I just googled it and found some to practice with.

I hope this list helps you start your bullet journaling collection
xoxo, Love.Haight

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